
React - how to pass object between components using useContext

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In this article, we would like to show you how to pass data between components using useContext hook in React.

In below example we create UserContext context object which will help us to share some data between components. Each context object contains Provider component that let us share some information with its children - in below example it is UserContext.Provider component with user object set as value property. To get access to the shared value in child components, it is necessary to use useContext hook with context object - in below example it is useContext(UserContext) used inside BoldUser and ItalicUser components.

Note: take at account, we are able to get context access even if child component is nested multiple times (BoldUser inside BoldUserWrapper inside App).

Runnable example:

Alternative titles

  1. React - how to pass object between components without props
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React - pass object between components using useContext
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