
React - how to add scrollbar to the component

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In this article we would like to show you how to add scrollbar to the component in React.

Below examples describe three situations:

  1. When we want to add scrollbar in any direction the content overflows our component's block,
  2. When the content overflows only at the top and bottom edges (horizontal scrollbar),
  3. When the content overflows only at the left and right edges (vertical scrollbar).

Check below examples

1. Scrollbar in both directions


In this solution we set overflow value to 'scroll' which allows us to scroll both in X and Y axis.

Runnable example:

2. Horizontal scrollbar (overflowX)


In this solution we set overflowX: value to 'scroll' which allows us to scroll along the X axis and overflowY: value to 'hidden' which hides vertical scrollbar.

Runnable example:

When you don't specify overflowY: value, it will be initialized with 'auto'. (Read more here)

3. Vertical scrollbar (overflowY)


In this solution we set overflowY: value to 'scroll' which allows us to scroll along the Y axis and overflowX: value to 'hidden' which hides horizontal scrollbar.

When you don't specify overflowX: value, it will be initialized with 'auto'. (Read more here)

Alternative titles

  1. React - overflow scroll
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React - add scrollbar to the component
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