
React - route and link difference

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In this article, we would like to show you the difference between Route and Link in React.

  • <Route> is an element that renders some components when a current URL matches the route's path.
  • <Link> is an element used to navigate through routes.

In below example our App component returns <Router> which is the main component for our routing. Inside <Router> we create ordered list containing <Link> elements to the specific routes.
As we see <Link> tags don't specify the content we want to display, they are used only to navigate through the routes<Route> element is the one that specifies the content which we want to display when <Link> element's path matches to it's path.

Practical example:


  • to use routing don't forget to install react-router-dom library first.
    You can do this with npm install react-router-dom command.
  • exact property means the path necessary to display specific route component must be matched 1 to 1.
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React - route and link difference
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