
React - update object inside useState

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In this article, we would like to show you how to update property inside object returned by useState hook in React.

In order for React to register a change of state, we have to provide it a new object that has a different reference or a different value of a simple type.

We shouldn't call the setter directly in the component, we should execute it in any action (event, effect, timeout) otherwise it leads to errors.

In both of the examples below we use useEffect hook - to execute our code only once (at App component mount).

1. Insert property


To insert property to the object inside useState, we use:

  • spread operator (...) - to create new object, which is a copy of the existing user and add new property to it,
  • setUser - to update our user with the new object.

Runnable example:

2. Remove property


To remove property from the object inside useState, we use:

  • spread operator (...) - to destructure our user object and create its copy - changedUser with all user properties except that specified with propertyKey. That approach removes our age property.
  • setUser - to update our user with the new object.

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Alternative titles

  1. React - useState with object update
  2. React - update property inside state (useState)
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React - update object inside useState
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