
React - own light SweetAlert2 implementation

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In this short article, we would like to show how in React create its own light SweeAlert2 implementation.

    Light SweetAlert2 implementation in React.
    Light SweetAlert2 implementation in React.

    The presented solution displays five types of alerts:

    • success,
    • error,
    • question,
    • info,
    • warning.

    The main advantage of this approach is a small alert component size, e.g.:

    • SweeAlert2 in min version has 14.9kB for js and 4.2kB for css files (link here).
    • own light SweetAlert2 implementation has 5.39kB for the version with removed white characters only (min version is smaller).

    Practical example:

    // ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;
    const coverStyle = {
        position: 'fixed',
        left: '0',
        top: '0',
        right: '0',
        bottom: '0',
        background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)',
        display: 'flex',
        zIndex: '1000'
    const coverVisibleStyle = {
        filter: 'opacity(1)',
        transition: '0.2s all'
    const coverHiddenStyle = {
        filter: 'opacity(0)',
        transition: '0.2s all'
    const alertStyle = {
      	margin: 'auto',
        padding: '1.25em',
        border: 'none',
        borderRadius: '5px',
        background: '#fff',
        boxSizing: 'border-box',
        width: '250px',
        maxWidth: '100%',
        fontFamily: '"Open Sans", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
        fontSize: '0.8rem'
    const alertVisibleStyle = {
        transform: 'scale(1.0)',
        transition: '0.1s all'
    const alertHiddenStyle = {
        transform: 'scale(0.4)',
        transition: '0.1s all'
    const blockStyle = {
        padding: '0.8em 1.1em',
        textAlign: 'center'
    const iconStyle = {
        margin: 0,
        width: '70px',
        height: '70px'
    const titleStyle = {
        padding: '0 1.1em',
        textAlign: 'center',
        textTransform: 'none',
        wordWrap: 'break-word',
        fontSize: '1.875em',
        fontWeight: '600',
        color: '#595959'
    const messageStyle = {
        padding: '0.5em 1.1em',
        textAlign: 'center',
        color: '#545454'
    const buttonStyle = {
        padding: '0.5em 1.1em',
        border: '0',
        borderRadius: '0.25em',
        background: '#2778c4',
        fontSize: '1.0625em',
        fontWeight: '500',
        color: '#fff',
        cursor: 'pointer'
    const OkIcon = props => (
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 22.061 22.061" {...props}>
          <path fill="#e4f4da" d="M11.03 0A11.03 11.03 0 000 11.03a11.03 11.03 0 0011.03 11.03 11.03 11.03 0 0011.03-11.03A11.03 11.03 0 0011.03 0zm0 .985A10.046 10.046 0 0121.076 11.03 10.046 10.046 0 0111.03 21.076 10.046 10.046 0 01.984 11.03 10.046 10.046 0 0111.03.985z" />
          <path fill="#a5dc86" d="M17.187 6.123l-7.716 7.753-3.653-3.67c-.057-.054-.098-.035-.134.002l-.918.913c-.059.062-. 15.97l8.747-8.789c.05-.048.038-.096.003-.133l-.92-.918c-.051-.048-.076-.042-.113-.008z" />
    const ErrorIcon = props => (
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 22.061 22.061" {...props}>
          <g fillOpacity={0.976} fill="#f27474">
            <path d="M11.03 0A11.03 11.03 0 000 11.03a11.03 11.03 0 0011.03 11.03 11.03 11.03 0 0011.03-11.03A11.03 11.03 0 0011.03 0zm0 .985A10.046 10.046 0 0121.076 11.03 10.046 10.046 0 0111.03 21.076 10.046 10.046 0 01.984 11.03 10.046 10.046 0 0111.03.985z" />
            <path d="M6.855 6.086l-.2.201a.48.48 0 000 .681l3.847 3.849-3.848 3.848a.48.48 0 000 .681l.201.201a.48.48 0 00.682 0l3.848-3.848 3.848 3.848a.48.48 0 00.682 0l.2-.2a.48.48 0 000-.682l-3.847-3.848 3.848-3.849a.48.48 0 000-.681l-.201-.201a.48.48 0 00-.682 0l-3.848 3.848-3.848-3.848c-.25-.204-.51-.155-.682 0z" />
    const QuestionIcon = props => (
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 22.061 22.061" {...props}>
          <path fill="#c9dae1" d="M11.03 0A11.03 11.03 0 000 11.03a11.03 11.03 0 0011.03 11.03 11.03 11.03 0 0011.03-11.03A11.03 11.03 0 0011.03 0zm0 .985A10.046 10.046 0 0121.076 11.03 10.046 10.046 0 0111.03 21.076 10.046 10.046 0 01.984 11.03 10.046 10.046 0 0111.03.985z" />
          <path fill="#87adbd" d="M7.979 6.885c.703-.29 1.756-.549 2.7-.549 1.57 0 2.346.516 2.346 1.802 0 1.959-2.92 2.473-2.92 5.272v1.03h.98v-1.03c0-2.472 3.03-2.747 3.03-5.323 0-1.837-1.385-2.66-3.382-2.66-1.145 0-2.365.309-3.068.583zm2.625 8.912c-.462 0-.776.24-.776.67 0 .428.314.687.776.687.444 0 .74-.259.74-.687 0-.43-.296-.67-.74-.67z" />
    const InfoIcon = props => (
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 22.061 22.061" {...props}>
          <path fill="#9de0f6" d="M11.055-.023A11.018 11.032 0 00.036 11.01a11.018 11.032 0 0011.019 11.032A11.018 11.032 0 0022.073 11.01 11.018 11.032 0 0011.055-.023zm0 .985A10.035 10.048 0 0121.09 11.01a10.035 10.048 0 01-10.035 10.048A10.035 10.048 0 011.019 11.01 10.035 10.048 0 0111.055.962z" />
          <path fill="#3fc3ee" d="M10.435 8.925h1.204v8.258h-1.204z" />
          <ellipse cx={11.041} cy={6.66} rx={0.705} ry={0.819} fill="#3fc3ee" />
    const WarningIcon = props => (
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 22.061 22.061" {...props}>
          <path fill="#facea8" d="M11.055.34A11.018 10.85 0 00.036 11.19a11.018 10.85 0 0011.019 10.851 11.018 10.85 0 0011.018-10.85A11.018 10.85 0 0011.055.34zm0 .969A10.035 9.883 0 0121.09 11.19a10.035 9.883 0 01-10.035 9.883A10.035 9.883 0 011.019 11.19a10.035 9.883 0 0110.036-9.88z" />
          <path fill="#f8bb86" d="M11.672 6.208h-1.54l.384 7.723.743.001zM11.851 16.058a.936 1.026 0 01-.936 1.026.936 1.026 0 01-.936-1.026.936 1.026 0 01.936-1.026.936 1.026 0 01.936 1.026z" />
    const iconTypes = {
        'success': OkIcon,
        'error': ErrorIcon,
        'question': QuestionIcon,
        'info': InfoIcon,
        'warning': WarningIcon
    const SweetAlert2Light = ({
        type = 'success',
        buttons = ['OK'],
    }) => {
        const [localVisible, setLocalVisible] = React.useState(false);
        const [alertRemoved, setAlertRemoved] = React.useState(visible === false);
        React.useEffect(() => {
            if (visible) {
            const handle = setTimeout(() => setLocalVisible(visible), 100);
            return () => clearTimeout(handle);
        }, [visible]);
        if (alertRemoved) {
          	return null;
        const handleTransitionEnd = () => {
            if (localVisible === false) {
        const coverStyle = localVisible ? coverVisibleStyle : coverHiddenStyle;
        const alertStyle = localVisible ? alertVisibleStyle : alertHiddenStyle;
        const Icon = iconTypes[type];
        return ReactDOM.createPortal(
            <div style={coverStyle} onTransitionEnd={handleTransitionEnd}>
              <div style={alertStyle}>
                <div style={blockStyle}>
                  <Icon style={iconStyle} />
                <div style={titleStyle}>{title}</div>
                <div style={messageStyle}>{message}</div>
                <div style={blockStyle}>
                  {, index) => {
                      const handleClick = () => onClose(button);
                      return (
                          <a key={button}>
                            {index > 0 && ' '}
                            <button style={buttonStyle} onClick={handleClick}>
    // Usage example:
    const App = () => {
        const [alertType, setAlertType] = React.useState(null);
        const handleClose = (button) => {
            console.log(`Button '${button}' clicked.`);
        return (
            <div style={{ height: '300px' }}>
              <button onClick={() => setAlertType('success')}>Show success alert</button>{' '}
              <button onClick={() => setAlertType('error')}>Show error alert</button>{' '}
              <button onClick={() => setAlertType('question')}>Show question alert</button>{' '}
              <button onClick={() => setAlertType('info')}>Show info alert</button>{' '}
              <button onClick={() => setAlertType('warning')}>Show warning alert</button>
                visible={alertType === 'success'}
                title="Good job!"
                message="You clicked the button!"
                visible={alertType === 'error'}
                title="Operation error!"
                message="Operation will be repeated!"
                visible={alertType === 'question'}
                title="Overwriting the file"
                message="Do you want to continue?"
                buttons={['Yes', 'No']}
                visible={alertType === 'info'}
                title="You just clicked on a button"
                visible={alertType === 'warning'}
                title="File removing!"
                message="Do you want to do it?"
                buttons={['Yes', 'No']}
    const root = document.querySelector('#root');
    ReactDOM.render(<App />, root);


    1. React Portals - React Docs

    Alternative titles

    1. React - own light sweet alert 2 implementation
    2. React - custom light sweet alert 2 implementation
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