
React - how to show or hide element

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In this article, we would like to show you how to show or hide elements in React.

Quick solution:


There are to three ways how to show or hide elements in React:

  1. using conditional rendering,
  2. using style property,
  3. using className property.
Hidding and showing element in React.
Hidding and showing element in React.


In the below examples, we use buttons that hide and show <div>My element</div> element. We use useState() hook to store the visibility state.

1. Conditional rendering


Conditional rendering uses {[condition-here] && (...)} JSX construction. When state is changed the component is re-rendered. That approach causes nodes redering/omitting/removing depending on [condition-here] value (true/false). The main advantage of conditional rendering is performance (DOM doesn't contain unused nodes).

1.1. One button solution


When onClick button event occurs we are able to set new visible state with setVisible(!visible) - clicks hide and show the element.

Practical example:

1.2. Two buttons solution


One buton is used to display element and second one to hide the same element.

Practical example:


2. style property


style property uses <div style={{display: [condition-here] ? 'block' : 'none'>...</div> JSX construction. In this case the element is not removed - it is just invisible by styles.

Practical example:


3. className property


className property uses <div className={[condition-here] ? 'class-1' : 'class-2'>...</div> JSX construction. In this case the element is not removed - it is just invisible by styles.

Practical example:

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React - show or hide element
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