
Paint.NET - replace image background

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In this article, we would like to show you how to replace image background in Paint.NET.

Practical example

Paint.NET - replace image background


  1. Open the picture you want to change the background to.
  2. Select the Magic Wand tool (shortcut: S + S + S + S) in the Tools window.
  3. Click on the background of your picture.
  4. Magic Wand tool marked an area that is similar in color to the point where you clicked - by changing the tolerance indicator at the top, you change the selected area to a more or less similar color.
  5. Press the Delete key to delete the selected area.

  6. The next step is to create a new layer - Layers > Add New Layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) - the layers are displayed in the Layers window (F7).

  7. Paste the image with the target background into the newly created layer.

  8. In the Layers window, drag the layer with the background to the bottom.

Alternative titles

  1. Paint.NET - how to replace image background
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