Dirask - explanantion when and how to create documentation, practical examples and questions on dirask.com service
In this article we would like to explain when to create:
- Wiki for code - documentation
- Wiki for code - articles
- Wiki for code - problem & solution rank
- Wiki for code - tutorials (feature under development)
- Questions
- Code snippets (feature under development)
- Blog post
Wiedza uporządkowana, która przeszła recenzje - powstaje na podstawie popularnych problemów. Powstaje przy współpracy wielu ludzi.
Wiki for code - documentation
Documentation of programming langauges API and libraries.
- JavaScript - Math.PI property example
- JavaScript - Math.abs() method example
- JavaScript - String charCodeAt() method example
- JavaScript - Node insertBefore() method example
Examples - how to name posts:
- static property
JavaScript - Math.PI property example - static method
JavaScript - Math.abs() method example - methods
JavaScript - String charCodeAt() method example
JavaScript - Node insertBefore() method example
Wiki for code - articles
TODO: add description.
Artykól poświcony jest konkretnemu problemowie w celu przedstawiuenia, forma opisowa, rozne poziomy szczeglowości.
- C# / .NET - get current timestamp
- JavaScript - remove first 3 characters from string
- reCAPTCHA v3 - simple example how to use in JavaScript and Spring Framework
- TypeScript - compile all ts files to one js
- JavaScript - no-break / non-breaking space in string
- Google Chrome - stop infinite loop in JavaScript debug
Wiki for code - problem & solution rank
TODO: add description.
Pewne peroblemy posiadają wlele rozwiązan. chodzi o to aby nie zaciemniać rozwiązań dużą ilościa tekstu - ma to być czytelone.
PHP docs
- Git - git config - error: could not lock config file - Permission denied
- TypeScript - constructor overloads / multiple constructors / many constructors
- Java 8 fix for Exception when using LocalDateTime.now() format with zone Z - java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException: Unsupported field: OffsetSeconds
- Angular 7 - disable browser auto reloading
Problems & misunderstandings:
- Usually this kind of problem & solution can be also asked and answered in questions. The same author can ask the question and answer it. This approach allow other people to answer the question with different approaches. So, it is up to author to decide where to post the problem & solution.
Ask question when we encountered programming problem and we don't know how to solve it by ourselves.
Każdy może zadać pytanie w odpowuiedni mmiejscu - communities. Pod pytaniem i odpowiedzią mioże toczyćsie rozmowa.
- todo - add example question and answers
- How to align 2 div tags into left and right without using float?
- CSS - div image margin auto is not working
Blog post
Własnośc konkretnego autora, nikt mu tego nie edytuje, jego własna przestrzeń.