
Java - request for article

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 Below article is in 2 languages - English + Polish (for simplicity reasons).

File - read / write etc

  • Java - read random Access file
  • Java - read file line as utf8
  • Java - write file line as utf8
  • Java - write int to file
  • Java - write long to file
  • Java - write unsigned long to file
  • Java - write bytes array to file

To samo dla byte, boolean, short, float, double

  • Java - read int from file

Odczyty podobnie

  • Java - how to read binary file
  • Java - how to read Json file // popatrzeć czy nie ma czegoś podobnego najwyżej Robić update postu
  • Java - how to read XML file // sprawdzić czy czegoś nie ma i ewentualnie update

Podobnie z write

  • Java - read indicated bytes from file
  • Java - skip bytes and read indicated bytes as integer from file


Java - string

  • Java - get nth string character

Java - thread / concurrency 

Java - collections

Złożone posty z java

  • Java - streams conversion // wszystkie przykłady konwersji jako odnośniki do innych postów mogły by się tutaj znaleźć
  • String to utf8 bytes array
  • Java - String to utf8 bytes array
  • Java - utf8 bytes array to String
  • Java - resize array
  • Java - Array List vs LinkedList vs List
  • Java - HasMap vs TreeMap vs Map
  • Java - difference between blocking data structures vs concurrent data structures
  • Java - clone array / copy array (clone już jest)


Java - array

  • Java - iterate over array of string (edit: DONE)

  • + similar simple array problems

  • + corss technology array operations


Java - random

  • Java - create Random with seed number
  • Java - generate random boolean


Java - date & time

  • java - get current timestamp
  • java - get current time in milliseconds
  • java - get current date and time
  • java - get current year, month, day, hour, ...., miliseconds, nanoseconds, ..
  • java - current time in milliseconds
  • java - current time zone offset
  • java - get current timezone
  • java - get current date as string
  • java - get current date time with format
  • java - create Date from milliseconds
  • java - the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
  • java - get difference between 2 date times - days, hours, minutes
  • java - format date time to given pattern with milliseconds - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS
  • java - add year to date
  • java - add month to date
  • java - add days to date
  • java - add hours to date
  • java - add minutes to date
  • java - add seconds to date
  • java - add milliseconds to date


Java - other

  • java - get current method name
  • java - get current working directory
  • java - get current thread name

Alternative titles

  1. Java - request for post
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