#json - Questions and answers
22 questions,
2 pages,
20 questions on this page
12 points
As in the question, I want to optimize data transmission in my REST API based on JSONs by replacing Base64 into in files data case. Is it possible to make it working?
3 points
Any idea why my JavaScript source code throws exception when I try to ocnvert object to JSON using JSON.stringify() method? Error:
8 points
I am confused about using Jackson's com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper class instance as static field in the class because of possible thread-safety issues. I have found in information where ...
3 points
I've just created a new Nuxt 3 project (Vue.js) with tsconfig.json file and it keeps showing me the following error: How can I fix this?
9 points
How, am I able to stringify object to JSON, when there are some recurring properties? Is is possible? Excation that throws JSON.stringify() call.
7 points
Any idea, why JSON.stringify() throws: when I try to use:
0 points
I have a problem with encoding an object into a JSON string. My Object looks like this: Now, I want to get it into a JSON string to put it into AJAX request. How can I do this?
0 points
I would like to use special characters like: -, $ and space for key names of objects (or JSON strings). Are there any characters that can make a key name invalid or any characters that need to be esca...
0 points
When I'm stringyfing an object like: I get: But how can I turn the jsonString back to an object?
0 points
I have s20_message which contains only one object. How do I access its message property?
0 points
How can I create package.json file without answering all the questions and leave it with default values?
3 points
How can I push new values to the following array? I've tried: But it doesn't work.
0 points
Why is number literal a valid JSON to use in JSON.parse() method and string is not? For example, I can parse '123' but '123abc' throws a SyntaxError and I'm not sure why. My code:
0 points
Can you help me to understand the behavior of JSON.parse()? It should work for only strings but seems to work for an array that contains only one string if the string contains only numbers.
0 points
How can I extract the property values of an object into an array using JavaScript? Example object: The result I want to get:
0 points
Why can't I print the set elements with the JSON.stringify() as I do with array elements? What is the easiest way to display set elements? Example:
5 points
Reading Kyle Simpson's book You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes, I have found some term: JSON-safe object. What it is?
2 points
How to make simple HTTP GET request with java JSOUP library?
1 points
I have created some controller that returns some result for indicated GET REST action: With jQuery AJAX GET method it works perfectly, but when I tried to open same url from browser I got following pr...
10 points
How to accept and return JSON from Spring controller with http post? Current code that doesn't work: How to make this work?
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