#java - Questions and answers
93 questions5 pages20 questions on this page
6 points
I am looking for easy way to add custom text description for executed test methods. When test fails or successes, I want to see my own text instead of generated one. Is there some extension or paramet...
8 points
I am confused about using Jackson's com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper class instance as static field in the class because of possible thread-safety issues. I have found in information where ...
6 points
Any Idea why new Spring Boot 3 project return "Whitelabel Error Page" when I open in the web browser? Whitelabel Error Page in Spring Boot 3.
5 points
As I noticed, VS Code supports currently Java 8, 11 and 19. Is there way to configure Java 19 (or upper) in VS Code? JDK installation in VS Code.
8 points
I am looking for the best way to omit one field setter/getter in Lombok. In my case all getters are defined on the entire class level. I am looking for annotation that is able to disable automatic gen...
5 points
I have used to create Maven project. After upgrade from Java 11 to Java 17, Maven is not able to build my project. The error: Used software: Used configuration: Used pom.xml file:
9 points
I am looking for the best way to achieve JavaScript String charCodeAt() method equivalent in Java.
7 points
How can I check my Node.js version from Java source code?
6 points
I have decided to upgrade my application to Spring Boot 3 attaching Spring Boot Security dependency. And now I am not able to do POST requests. REST API returns 403 Forbidden status. Any idea how to s...
5 points
I have decided to upgrade my Spring Boot 2 application to Spring Boot 3. Java 17 was installed, system PATH evironment variable also was updated. I use Winsows 11. But mvn clean install commmand retun...
3 points
Why on Windows my Spring Boot 2 application starts without any problems, and on Linux not? Java exception:
3 points
I want to perform a GET request with body. How to do that or what library should I use? I am currently using Java 17, Spring Boot 3.0.1 and RestTemplate.
5 points
I am developing web service that provides API that intermediates in some operations with desired web service. Application concept: My web service, needs in each request the following path prefix: It m...
6 points
As in the question. I am thinking what is difference between List<?> and List<Object>? Each class extends Object, so why it was introduced?
6 points
Java - Do I need to implement equals and hash code in treemap?
2 points
Java TreeMap Comparable vs Comparator, can someone share practical example how to use it?
5 points
I have got issue with my Spring Boot 2 application. When I run my application using IntelliJ IDEA everything works fine. When I try to run it from command line application throws error. Anyone knows w...
4 points
I would like to write program that deserialize object using ObjectInputStream class but it throws exception, even if ObjectOutputStream class was used to serialize object. Exception details:
8 points
How to solve selenium error SessionNotCreatedException: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version ? Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreate...
2 points
Can single interface extends multiple interfaces in java? Is there a way that C extends A and B?
93 item(s), 5 page(s), 20 item(s) on this page.
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