#get - Questions and answers
18 questions1 pages20 questions on this page
0 points
What is correct HTTP response status code when the resource is successfully added to database?
0 points
What is the correct HTTP status code for error while getting resources from database? For example, when I need to get items list from the database and an error occurs.
0 points
How to get element from object by index? Let's say I have the following object: and I need to get the first element of it. How can I do something like myObject[0] to get the 'aaa' value?
0 points
Is there a method or property to get all methods from an object? I need something like this:
0 points
How can I find keys of an object in JavaScript? Is there a built-in function to get the keys? I need something like this: I tried to loop through the object using: but I'm not sure how it works.
0 points
How can I fetch data from API using axios GET request with api key from a variable? I want to fetch data from NASA API using unique api_key generated on , but I'm not sure how to pass it as apiKey var...
0 points
How can I get a favicon from a website? I want to download e.g. YouTube favicon and I don't know how. Can you help me with that?
0 points
How can I get HTML elements by part of classname or id using JavaScript? I have a code similar to this: Now what I want is to get the handle to all elements containing "my-element" inside id. and save...
0 points
How to get size of array inside object? Let's say I have the following object: and I want to get number of elements inside items array. How can I do this?
0 points
How can I set child component text between tags from a parent component using props? Let's say I have a component: Now, what I want to do is to set "some text" between <div> tags from another componen...
0 points
How can I get the length of an associative array in JavaScript? I have an associative array (or as some say - an object) like this: Is there any built-in function that could get the length of this arr...
0 points
How can I get a range of items from an array in JavaScript? I want an equivalent for ruby's array[0..n]. Example:
3 points
Let's say I have the following URL: How can I get the hash part (after #id=) on the server-side?
0 points
Can you tell me how to get the file name from the absolute path string in Java? I created a file as follows: Now when I use System.out.println(myDirectory); I get the absolute path of a file. How do I...
0 points
How can I get the URL from within a React component?
2 points
How to make simple HTTP GET request with java JSOUP library?
1 points
I have created some controller that returns some result for indicated GET REST action: With jQuery AJAX GET method it works perfectly, but when I tried to open same url from browser I got following pr...
3 points
For example when I have URL: What is the professional name of the parameters we pass after question mark '?' In this case: In this case the variable name is category and value is programming.
18 item(s), 1 page(s), 18 item(s) on this page.
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