Intellij Idea - the most useful settings (hotkeys, shortcuts, disable / enable, IDE)
NOTE: this is blog post, do not edit me this post. Thank you.
# change code syntax / font (default):
Editor -> Font (Monospaced, size: 12, line spacing: 1.2)
psf == // public static final
psfi == // public static final int
psfs == // public static final String
psvm == main method // public static void main
disable one-line methods
do not collapse imports / do not fold import
do not show hints for current method
Before disabling hints:
After disabling hints:
Intellij Idea - global replace (replace all)
Global replace shortcut - ctrl+shift+R
IntelliJ IDEA - set font size for code editor (change font, line height)
- Settings
- Editor
- Font
- Set or change font according to your taste
My favourite is settings:
- Font: Monospaced
- Size: 12
- Line height: 1.2
Intellij IDEA - optimize imports on the fly / add imports automatically
Intellij IDEA - Add unambiguous imports on the fly
Intellij Idea - do not use wildcard imports (do not import *, 999)
Disable all code foldings (grey fields in SQL fiels, short names, generic, annotations etc)
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