Intellij IDEA - the most useful shortcuts
In this article, we would like to show you useful shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA.
1. Ctrl + Shift + N
Open Search For File dialog.
2. Alt + Enter
When you see an error, place the mouse cursor on the error and press Alt + Enter to get a list of suggested fixes for the problem.
3. F2
Jump to the next error, warning or suggestion.
4. Shift + Shift
Double pressing the Shift key opens a search box that lets us look for anything (Classes, Files, Symbols, Actions etc.)
5. Ctrl + Alt + L
Format code.
6. Ctrl + E
Open Recent Files.
7. Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right arrow
Go to the previous / next position of the cursor.
8. Alt + Letf / Right arrow
Go to the previous / next tab.