
Simple way to use multiple radio buttons in React

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Many beginners have a problem with using multiple radio buttons because they do not realize that the radio buttons are grouped and only one radio button can be selected in one group.

Today, I'd like to show you how to easily use multiple radio buttons without using grouping by the input name property in React. 😊

Final effect:

Multiple radio buttons in ReactJS.
Multiple radio buttons in ReactJS.

In below example I've created RadioInput functional component which renders label with a single input type="radio" (radio button).

In the Form we have four RadioInput elements - two for gender and, two for role.

In every group we can select only one radio button at the same time, then setGender function sets gender 🧒🧑 and setRole function sets role depending on which option we choose. 

Runnable example:

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  1. React - multiple radio buttons

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