
Improve your React application loading speed with async images

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Hi there! πŸ‘‹ 😊

Did you know that if you load images after the page is loaded, the user will see the content earlier and SEO tools will detect that the page loads faster? πŸš€πŸ“ˆ

In this article, I want to show you how to create a simple component in React by which the graphics are loaded after all resources are loaded.

That approach speeds up page loading by splitting the loading process into 2 steps:

  • page loading (without async images) - we see all necessary things in the right order sooner,
  • async images loading - images are loaded when the page is ready.

Final effect:

Images async loading proof in Google Chrome DevTools - loaded after blue and red lines.
Images async loading proof in Google Chrome DevTools - loaded after blue and red lines

Arrows mark lines when images are loaded after rendering the page (when it's ready).

Below I present you a solution in which I create an in-memory only image that, after is loaded, signals to display the proper image in React on the web page.

Runnable example:

I recommend copying the solution to your local React project, open developer tools in your browser and then run the application to see the result.

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See you in the next posts! πŸ–


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