
How to create customized dynamic table in React

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Hi everyone! 👋 😊

Last week I had a problem with creating a dynamic table in React, so I thought that maybe someone will find this solution helpful.

Effect of this short post:

React - customized dynamic table
React - customized dynamic table

I took several steps in the solution below:

  1. I created a dynamic table based on array,
  2. Each table consists of a header and some data records,
  3. The header is fixed and keeps the same amount of columns,
  4. While creating records I used map() function to convert array items into React elements. 

Remember that each element should have a unique key 🗝️ because it helps React optimally manage changes in the DOM. Such a key may be for example the id assigned to each element of the table.

Runnable example:


Check out this article if you want to read more about dynamic tables. 😊


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