#equivalent - Questions and answers
6 questions,
1 pages,
20 questions on this page
9 points
I am looking for the best way to achieve JavaScript String charCodeAt() method equivalent in Java.
0 points
I've created an object in JavaScript and I would like to see its methods/fields for debugging. Is there anything similar to var_dump in PHP?
0 points
Are there any equivalents of Python any() and all() functions in JavaScript? I need methods which can be applied on a list (array) as following: any() - returns true if any element of the iterable is ...
0 points
Is there any equivalent of Underscore.js _.pluck() method in pure JS? I need one method to pass two arguments array and property to it and receive the property values, for example: result:
6 points
I am looking for an equivalent for the C#/.NET LINQ Enumerable.First(predicate) method. I thought using Array find() would do the trick, but it doesn't seem to work identically. My question is, is the...
0 points
Does JavaScript have a similar method to Array select() from Ruby? I want something like this: For example:
6 item(s), 1 page(s), 6 item(s) on this page.
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