
MySQL - get table size (in MB)

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In this article, we would like to show you how to get table size in MySQL.

Quick solution:

    TABLE_NAME AS `Table`, 
    ROUND(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size (in MB)` 
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema = "database_name"
    AND TABLE_NAME = "table_name";


Replace only the database_name and table_name from the last 2 lines of code.

Practical example

Let's say we have the following database:

MySQL - example data used to get table size
MySQL - example data used to get table size

What interests us will be the size of the users table shown in the image above. We want to get it with a query.


    TABLE_NAME AS `Table`, 
    ROUND(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 3) `Size (in MB)` 
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema = "dirask"
    AND TABLE_NAME = "users";


MySQL - get table size using query - result
MySQL - get table size using query - result

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MySQL - Problems

MySQL - get table size (in MB)
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