
TypeScript - compile all ts files to one js

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In this article, we would like to show how to compile all *.ts files into one js file. There are two module types that let us use single file compilation: amd and system. In the below description we used amd module.

Quick solution:

1. set in the tsconfig.json file following compiler options:

2. compile TypeScript files running the following command:


Example project


This section contains example files with compilation and running description. 

Node: download example source code from here.

Project directory structure:


1. It is necessary to define proper configuration


tsconfig.json file:

Note: "outFile" : "./out.js" defines compilation result (one file).


2. Now we can prepare some *.ts files that will be compiled into one file.


Person.ts file:

Printer.ts file:

Main.ts file:


3. Each web page requires index.html that runs a page - in this case, is the same.


require.js was attached as first because out.js file depends on it. out.js contains all ts source code compiled into a single js file. Last important thing is to tell the application to run the web page using the main module - in our case, the main module is Main, so require(['Main']) was called.

index.htm file:

Note: above source code uses modules loader.


4. Compilation and running


Simple steps:

  1. open command line (e.g. Windows Command Prompt or Bash),
  2. go to the project directory,
  3. run tsc command to compile all files to one,
  4. open index.htm in web browser

Console preview:

Directory screenshot:

Result of TypeScript compilation into a single file.
Result of TypeScript compilation into a single file.


  • after tsc command run we should see 3 new files:
    • out.d.ts contains all declarations,
      (useful for intellisense and intengration out.js file with other typescript projects)
    • contains development mapping for debug process,
    • out.js contains all sourcecode transpiled to single javascript file.

Web Browser preview:

Result of TypeScript compilation into a single file in Web Browser.
Result of TypeScript compilation into a single file in Web Browser.


Note: even website uses one js file now, DevTools shows multiple ts files to make reading source code easier for programmer - map file provides this feature


5. Project source code


Download all source code from one place here.





  1. RequireJS - Home Page
  2. tsconfig.json - TypeScript Docs

Alternative titles

  1. TypeScript - compile multiple ts files to one js
  2. TypeScript - compile many ts files to one js
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