
Create simple animated bar chart in React

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Did you know you don't need much to build an animated bar chart? 
In this article, I will try to explain how to get such an effect with React. 📊

Final effect of the post:

Custom animated bar chart in React.
Custom animated bar chart in React.

The main idea is to create individual bars that are described from 0 to 100%. The bars are arranged sequentially next to each other in a chart, using an example data set
based on the cosine function.

Each change of the dataset describing the chart causes a smooth re-rendering (this happens due to a simple style called transition).

The whole effect is achieved with a few lines, most of the effect is actually styles. 🎨

Practical example:

What do you think about such a chart? Do you think it would be possible to construct a simple library for different types of charts?

Let me know in the comments! 😊


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