#unix - Questions and answers
6 questions,
1 pages,
20 questions on this page
5 points
What does the following error mean?
3 points
Can anyone explain file permissions in linux operating system? What happens when we use chmod 777 on directory or file? PS. a friend of mine today asked me this question, so I decided to post it.
4 points
How can I detect if I run my java application on Linux operating system? I want to ensure I am on Linux before I try to read the file from Linux path:
6 points
How do I set correct timezone for Europe Poland Warsaw? Currently have EDT timezone and want to have CET timezone.
9 points
What is the correct first line when I create bash script?
11 points
In JavaScript, how I can get unix epoch time from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 ? Explanation what I mean by unix time:
6 item(s), 1 page(s), 6 item(s) on this page.
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