#expressjs - Questions and answers
12 questions1 pages20 questions on this page
3 points
Working with Express.js application, suddenly I got the following error. Can you help me to fix this? Stack trace:
3 points
I need unique names for files in my application, so the filenames won't double. How can I do that?
3 points
I express-session package deprecated? I keep getting the warning below, but all seems to be working good. Stack trace: My code: I am using express-session 1.17.3.
5 points
I want to share some files with Node.js (Express.js). I am looking for the best way to display directory content (directories and files inside). What is the best solution?
9 points
Why Express.js doesn't create session when I don't set anything in res.session object? I'd like to use sessions for every user that visits my site, including not logged-in users. My index.js file:
0 points
Do I need to add --save option using npm install command or is it automatically added?
0 points
I have the following problem: Express.js throws an error with SQL query which works fine in HeidiSQL. My query: Error: And when I copy the following part from "sql" section to HeidiSQL it works:
0 points
When I try to import dotenv using: I get the following error: Can someone help me to fix this?
0 points
How can I remove a npm package from my express.js project and package.json file? I want to remove nodemon from dependencies in package.json and install it again as a devDependency.
3 points
How can I check my version of express.js?
0 points
How to set the session to last for 48 hours in Express.js cookie?
0 points
I'm just making an app in express.js and I don't know what is the difference between res.end() and res.send() and when to use them. Can I end the response with res.send()?
12 item(s), 1 page(s), 12 item(s) on this page.
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