JavaScript - check operating system (in web browser)
In this article, we would like to show you how to check the operating system in the web browser using JavaScript.
Practical example
In this example, we use navigator.platform
property to detect current operating system by matching different strings.
// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;
const conditions = {
// conitions order is important
'Windows': ['Win64', 'Win32', 'Win'],
'Linux x64': ['Linux x86_64'],
'Linux x86': ['Linux x86'],
'Linux ARM': ['Linux arm'],
'Macintosh': ['MacIntel', 'Mac'],
'iPhone': ['iPhone']
let operatingSystem = null;
const detectOperatingSystem = () => {
if (operatingSystem) {
return operatingSystem;
const platform = navigator.platform;
for (const key in conditions) {
const texts = conditions[key];
for (let i = 0; i < texts.length; ++i) {
const index = platform.indexOf(texts[i]);
if (index !== -1) {
return operatingSystem = key;
// Usage example:
Using the above approach, many Android devices are detected as Linux ARM devices. To solve the problem check this article.