
keytool - generate new *.jks file (Java KeyStore repository)

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In this short article we would like to show how to generate *.jks file that stores security certificates as Java KeyStore repositoiry.

Quick solution (run following command):


In more clear version:


-genkeyruns tool in key generation mode
-keyalg RSAsets RSA used as key algorithm
-alias my_key_aliassets unique allias that helps to access to keys and trusted certificate entries inside created KeyStore
-keystore my_keystore.jkssets path where Java KeyStore file is saved
-storepass my_secret_passwordsets password that protects access to store
-validity 3650

sets amount for days when generated certificates expires
(in above case it is 10 years)

-keysize 2048sets size of gnererated keys


keytool under Windows


Note: under Windows to get access to keytool it could be necessary to use full path.

JKD 11 keytool command example:


In more clear version:


Java KeyStore repositoiry (*.jks file) generating with keytool
Java KeyStore repositoiry (*.jks file) generating with keytool


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