
MySQL - SELECT query with GROUP BY and LIMIT

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In this shot article, we would like to show how to solve the problem when we want to use SELECT query with GROUP BY and LIMIT in MySQL.

Quick steps:

  1. use nested query to number rows, e.g. article is here,
  2. then wrap the query using WHERE clause to find rows on proper page.

 Quick solution:

Where it is assumed:

  • page has 5 rows (d.`number` >= 10 AND d.`number` <= 15),
  • 3rd page is displayed (d.`number` >= 10).


Simple example


In this section, you can find query that finds number of hastags used with pagination.


Complex example


In this section, you can find query that finds number of hastags used by posts ordered by popularity with pagination:


See also

  1. MySQL - get row position with SELECT query

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