JavaScript - rotate vector 2D to right direction (clockwise direction)
In this short article, we would like to show how to rotate any vector 2D to the right side (90 degrees) using Javascript.
Quick solution:
function rotateRight(vector) {
return { x: vector.y, y: -vector.x };
var vector1 = {x: -2, y: 4}; // vector V1 = [-2, 4]
var vector2 = rotateRight(vector1); // vector V2 = [ 4, 2]
Rotation preview:
Practical example
// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;
function rotateRight(vector) {
return { x: vector.y, y: -vector.x };
// Usage example:
// direction:
var vector1 = {x: 0, y: 1}; // ↑
var vector2 = rotateRight(vector1); // →
var vector3 = rotateRight(vector2); // ↓
var vector4 = rotateRight(vector3); // ←
console.log(vector1.x + ' ' + vector1.y); // 0 1 ↑
console.log(vector2.x + ' ' + vector2.y); // 1 0 →
console.log(vector3.x + ' ' + vector3.y); // 0 -1 ↓
console.log(vector4.x + ' ' + vector4.y); // -1 0 ←
Note: the above example works on free vectors - typical mathematical vectors that are not localised.