
JavaScript - track last 10 site loading times and print statistics

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This article contains logic that lets to print page loading times.

As page loading times, we understand the time necessary to load only site entry point (it means: index.html or index.php or ... - depending on technology).

Results presented are in the following way:

Site loading times statistics - JavaScript.
Site loading times statistics - JavaScript.


  1. paste below script to body element,
  2. open Console in the Google Chrome DevTools,
  3. refresh the page many times to collect loading times (refresh more than 10 times).

Hint: change var historySize = 10; to collect the different amounts of the last times.

Source code ():

// storage logic

function readArray(name) {
    var json = localStorage.getItem(name);
    if (json) {
        return JSON.parse(json);
    return null;

function saveArray(name, array) {
    var json = JSON.stringify(array);
    localStorage.setItem(name, json);

// performance logic

function checkPerformance() {
    if (performance.getEntries) {
        var entries = performance.getEntries();
        if (entries.length > 0) {
            return entries[0];
    return null;

function getTimes() {
    var performance = checkPerformance();
    if (performance) {
        return {
            connectingDuration: performance.connectEnd - performance.connectStart,
            redirectionDuration: performance.redirectEnd - performance.redirectStart,
            requestDuration: performance.responseStart - performance.requestStart,
            responseDuration: performance.responseEnd - performance.responseStart,
            fetchingDuration: performance.responseEnd - performance.requestStart,  // request time + TTFB + response time (downloading)
            totalDuration: performance.responseEnd - (performance.redirectStart || performance.connectStart)
    return null;

// arrays logic

function createArray(count) {
    var array = Array(count);
    for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        array[i] = 0;
    return array;

function resizeArray(array, size) {
    var changeSize = size - array.length;
    if (changeSize > 0) {
        return array.concat(createArray(changeSize));
    } else {
        return array.slice(0, size);

// math logic

function isLesser(result, value) {
    return result < value;

function isBigger(result, value) {
    return result > value;

function roundNumber(value, precision) {
    var power = Math.pow(10, precision);
    return Math.round(value * power) / power;

function calculateSum(array) {
    var sum = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
        sum += array[i];
    return sum;

function calculateMean(array) {
    var sum = calculateSum(array);
    return sum / array.length;

function findValue(array, compare) {
    if (array.length > 0) {
        var result = array[0];
        for (var i = 1; i < array.length; ++i) {
            var value = array[i];
            if (compare(value, result)) {
                result = value;
        return result;
    return NaN;

// processing logic

function updateValues(historySize, parameterName, parameterValue) {
    var storedValues = readArray(parameterName + 's');

    if (storedValues == null) {
        storedValues = createArray(historySize);
    } else {
        if (storedValues.length != historySize) {
            storedValues = resizeArray(storedValues, historySize);


    saveArray(parameterName + 's', storedValues);

    return storedValues;

// Usage example:

var historySize = 10;

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    var currentTimes = getTimes();
    if (currentTimes) {
        var gatheredTimes = {};

        for (var parameterName in currentTimes) {
            var storedValues = updateValues(historySize, parameterName, currentTimes[parameterName])

            var minTime = findValue(storedValues, isLesser);
            var maxTime = findValue(storedValues, isBigger);
            var meanTime = calculateMean(storedValues);

            var parameterTimes = {
                'min time [ms]': roundNumber(minTime, 3),
                'max time [ms]': roundNumber(maxTime, 3),
                'mean time [ms]': roundNumber(meanTime, 3),
                '': '' // used as separator

            for (var i = 0; i < historySize; ++i) {
                parameterTimes['last ' + (i + 1) + ' [ms]'] = roundNumber(storedValues[historySize - i - 1], 3);

            gatheredTimes[parameterName.substring(0, parameterName.length - 8)] = parameterTimes;


See also

  1. JavaScript - measure page loading times (connection, redirection, fetching, request, response, total)


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