
JavaScript - how to make textarea autogrow?

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In this short article, we are going to look at how to make textarea element autogrowing according to contained text using JavaScript.

Autogrowing textarea using JavaScript.
Autogrowing textarea using JavaScript.

1. Scroll height detection

Approach presented in this ection uses following fact: when height is set as auto we are able to get scrollHeight equal to content height that can be used to set as current textarea height.

Practical example:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

<!doctype html>
  <textarea style="resize: none" id="my-element">Type multi-line text here</textarea>

    function preapreAutogrowing(element) {
       	var style =;
        function onAction() {
			style.height = 'auto';
			style.height = element.scrollHeight + 'px';  // element.scrollHeight should be accessed only when height is set to auto
        element.addEventListener('input', onAction);
        element.addEventListener('change', onAction);
        var destroyed = false;
        return {
            update: onAction,
            destroy: function() {
                if (destroyed) {
                destroyed = true;
                element.removeEventListener('input', onAction);
                element.removeEventListener('change', onAction);
    // Usage example:
    var element = document.querySelector('#my-element');
    var autogrowing = preapreAutogrowing(element);

    element.value = '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6';
    autogrowing.update();  // forces textarea size update according to contained text
    // autogrowing.destroy();


2. Number of lines detection

This approach does not work if word wrapping is enabled.

Note: in different browsers effect can be different (Firefox and Chrome interpret number of rows different way when horisontal scroll is visible)

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

<!doctype html>
    textarea {
        overflow-y: hidden;
        white-space: pre;
        resize: none;

    function preapreAutogrowing(element) {
        var expression = /\n/g;
        function onAction() {
            var text = element.value;
            if (text) {
                var match = text.match(expression);
                if (match) {
                    element.rows = match.length + 2;
            element.rows = 2;
        element.addEventListener('input', onAction);
        element.addEventListener('change', onAction);
        var destroyed = false;
        return {
            update: onAction,
            destroy: function() {
                if (destroyed) {
                destroyed = true;
                element.removeEventListener('input', onAction);
                element.removeEventListener('change', onAction);

  <textarea id="my-element">Type multi-line text here...</textarea>

    var element = document.querySelector('#my-element');
    var autogrowing = preapreAutogrowing(element);

    element.value = '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6';
    autogrowing.update();  // forces textarea size update according to contained text
    // autogrowing.destroy();



Merged questions:

  1. JavaScript - how to dynamically change the height of textarea based on the text size?

See also

  1. HTML - change textarea size

  2. CSS - change textarea size

  3. How to autogrow textarea with CSS3?

Alternative titles

  1. JavaScript - textarea auto grow
  2. JavaScript - textarea autosize
  3. JavaScript - textarea auto size
  4. JavaScript - text area with content size matching
  5. JavaScript - textarea auto growing
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