
Docker - remove more than 1 docker image in single line

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In this article we would like to show you how to remove more then 1 docker image in single command.

Quick solution:

# remove 2 images in single line
$ docker rmi IMAGE_ID_1 && docker rmi IMAGE_ID_2

Practical example:

# list all docker images
$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
mysql                    latest              e1d7dc9731da        2 weeks ago         544MB
docker/getting-started   latest              1f32459ef038        2 months ago        26.8MB
openjdk                  8-jdk-alpine        a3562aa0b991        16 months ago       105MB

# remove 2 images in single line
$ docker rmi e1d7dc9731da && docker rmi 1f32459ef038


On above screenshot we can see that we executred 2 commands docker rmi IMAGE_ID in a single line with && operator.

After removal the docker images in this case will look like this:

# list all docker images
$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
openjdk                  8-jdk-alpine        a3562aa0b991        16 months ago       105MB


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