
React - how to refresh the page

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In this article, we would like to show you how to refresh the page in React.

There are two ways to refresh the page in React:

  1. using JavaScript,
  2. updating the state.

1. Refresh the page using JavaScript


To reload the page you can use:

  • window.location.reload() - recommended,
  • window.location.href = window.location.href.

Below we create a simple component that is being refreshed when onClick event occurs.


Uncomment the second solution to see how it works.

Practical example:

2. Refresh the page by updating the state


In the below code we create a counter that update causes App component re-rendering with a new state (something like page refreshing). That approach requires to pass couter to child componentes when memo() is used. We can do it with props or contexts. This approach is not recommended because can lead to complicated code structure when many componets are nested.


For more information read this article: React - useState example.

Runnable example:



Alternative titles

  1. React - how to reload the page
  2. React - how to reload the documment
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