
JavaScript - draw shadow

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In this article, we would like to show you how to draw shadow on HTML canvas element using JavaScript.

To add shadow to drawings we use the following properties:

  1. shadowOffsetX - specifies the distance in pixels that shadows will be offset horizontally,
  2. shadowOffsetY - specifies the distance in pixels that shadows will be offset vertically,
  3. shadowColor - specifies the color of the shadow,
  4. shadowBlur - specifies the amount of blur applied to shadow.

1. Shadow for filled objects


In this section, we present how to add shadows to the filled square drawings.

2. Shadow for not filled objects (empty objects, frames)


In this section, we present how to add shadows to the empty square drawings.

3. Shadow for text


In this section, we present how to add shadows to the text on canvas.


  1. shadowOffsetX - Web APIs | MDN
  2. shadowOffsetY - Web APIs | MDN
  3. shadowColor - Web APIs | MDN
  4. shadowBlur - Web APIs | MDN

Alternative titles

  1. JavaScript - how to draw shadow on HTML canvas element
  2. JavaScript - how to add shadows to drawings on HTML canvas element
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JavaScript - HTML5 canvas tutorial

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