Dirask - create wiki article using correct format
9 points
In this short article, we would like to show how to create wiki article using correct format on Dirask.
Article elements:
- Title:
when it is possible, start it with main category or technology and then type the content name,
e.g. technologies: JavaScript, React, Java, C#, .NET, etc.
e.g. title: JavaScript - center HTML element dynamicaly - Hashtags:
add relevant hashtags, e.g. programming, js, JavaScript, html, element, center, - Content:
- add one or more senteces that introduces into article subcject,
e.g. In this short article, we would like to show how to center indicated HTML element dynamicaly using pure JavaScript. - describe precisly article subject adding images, tables, links, source code snippets, etc. when needed,
- add one or more senteces that introduces into article subcject,
Hint: into article paste only well formatted source code snippets (check this quick tutorial).
Correct examples:
- JavaScript - Math.PI property example
- JavaScript - Math.abs() method example
- JavaScript - String charCodeAt() method example
- JavaScript - Node insertBefore() method example