Installation | AdoptOpenJDK - OpenJDK + HotSpot
ScreenToGif - Record your screen, edit and save as a gif or video
Spring Boot 2 + Tomcat + JSP - example project - GitHub
Taking Me High Taking Me Low - Johan Glossner feat. Jason Dering [Acoustic Group]
One Man’s Mission to Revive the Last Redwood Forests | Short Film Showcase
Google Chrome Developer Tools - Google Chrome
Clubhouse explained (full app walkthrough)
Explaining Digital Video: Formats, Codecs & Containers
DKIM library for Jakarta Mail - markenwerk/java-utils-mail-dkim
Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism | VPRO Documentary
Ocado - Behind the scenes of the robots packing your shopping | The Gadget Show
Collaboration app for UX designers.
DKIM Core Tools - domain keys generator
Dirask reddit r/startups description - 2021-03-07
Komatsu And Caterpillar Wheel Loaders Working On Birros Marble Quarries - Aerial View
10 Polish Developers You Should Follow - CodersRank Blog
12 Female Developers You Should Follow - CodersRank Blog
Linked Lists — BaseCS Video Series
Tools List (Awesome and Fantastic Tools) Available on dCode
Write your best with Grammarly.
Royalty free music and sound effects | Epidemic Sound
GF-Color - Smooth color palettes
CSS to JSS - VS Code plugin
Announcing TypeScript 4.1 | TypeScript
Blog | Kent C. Dodds - JavaScript / React
String Encryption & File Encryption
Clear Cache - Google Chrome Browser Plugin
The Art of Balancing Stones