#java - Findings
Share what you like and what inspires you.
Java Native Access (GitHub - java-native-access/jna)
MicroProfile - Microservices Architecture Specification
Open Liberty
GitHub - eclipse/microprofile-graphql: microprofile-graphql
Java Mail API - jakarta.mail (javax.mail successor)
Undertow - web server written in Java (blocking and non-blocking)
IntelliJ IDEA - New UI
Apache Tomcat Native Library
FastAPI vs. Fastify vs. Spring Boot vs. Gin Benchmark
Microservices with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud
Jython - Python implementation in Java
MyBatis 3 - java class persistence framework
Google testing blog - Just Say No to More End-to-End Tests
End-to-end vs integration tests: what's the difference?
AWS Lambda battle 2021: performance comparison for all languages (cold and warm start)
Java 19 Is A Game Changer
Arrange-Act-Assert: A Pattern for Writing Good Tests
GitHub - criteo/JVips: Java wrapper for libvips using JNI.
Log4j 2 performance tests
jOOQ: The easiest way to write SQL in Java
Nexus Repository Manager - Binary & Artifact Management | Sonatype
Artifactory - Universal Artifact Management
OSGi, The Dynamic Module System for Java
Java SE Development Kit downloads - Oracle Homepage
Crazy fast build times (Or when 10 seconds starts to make you nervous)
Getting Started with MongoDB and Java - CRUD Operations Tutorial | MongoDB
GitHub - jaymoid/JavaConcurrentCollectionsDiagram: Diagram that summarises the concurrent collections in Java.
The Java Version Almanac
Shenandoah: The Garbage Collector That Could by Aleksey Shipilev
Read-write and read-only transaction routing with Spring - Vlad Mihalcea
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