
JavaScript - create object from 2d array

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How can I convert 2D array to an object?

Let's say I have the following array of key/value pairs:

and the result I want to get is:

1 answer
0 points
Answered by:
Admin Dirask Community

1. Using reduce() method (ES6+)

You can use reduce() method to initialize the accumulator with an empty object which will be returned as a result. Then, on every iteration, assign the current value as the key of the accumulator and set its value. At the end it returns the accumulator object.

2. Alternative solution

As an alternative solution for older versions of JavaScript, you can simply loop through the array, for example using forEach(), to assign the key/value pairs to an empty object and return it at the end.



  1. Array.prototype.reduce() - JavaScript | MDN
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