
CSS - give text or image transparent background

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Is it possible to set the background of an element to partly transparent but have the content (text & images) of the element fully visible?

I was trying opacity: 50% but I don't want the text to be affected by it:

1 answer
0 points
Answered by:
Admin Dirask Community

You can use rgba colors, which works like rgb but the fourth parameter a (alpha) is a number between 0 and 1 (or a percentage value) that sets the opacity. The number 1 corresponds to 100% (full opacity) and 0 makes the element invisible.

Quick solution:


Practical example

1. Using HTML style attribute

2. Using CSS

Working with images

Analogically, when you are working with images, you need to set the image container background to rgba color with some opacity.

1. Using HTML style attribute

2. Using CSS



  1. rgba() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
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