
Java 8 - convert Int Stream to list with Collectors - error fix

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FIX for error when converting Int Stream to Collectors


Single method call .boxed() on IntStream API can fix this problem.


Full working example

Below we have 2 parts of the code. First part is error reproduction. Second part shows the fix, when we want to convert int stream to list with collect method using int stream and calling boxed method.

Full stack trace from intellij idea:

Screenshot with this error: 

Intellij idea Error: IntStream cannot be applied to given types screenshot
Intellij idea Error: IntStream cannot be applied to given types - screenshot

Fix when using Random().ints()


It is very common problem when we want to collect int stream given from Random class and we call .collect(Collectors.toList()) directly on .ints(size, min, max) givining us error cannot be applied to given types. The solution is the same as above, we need to call .boxed() method on IntStream API.

Quick fix:

Code example with error reproduction and simple fix.


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