
JavaScript - join js files using tsc

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In this short article we would like to show how to join pure JavaScript files into single js file with tsc command.

Note: you can read this article too, to see how to compile *.ts file int single js file.


Simple steps:

1. prepare configuration for TypeScript compiler that will join our *.js files togather

There are avaialble two modules that let join files togather amd or system - in the below example we use amd one.

tsconfig.json file example:


  • files property contains list of all files that should be joined - should be served in order we want keep.

2. run compiler

It is necessary to run tsc command from same directory, where is located tsconfig.json file.

Command example:


Note: as result we should see src/main/webapp/resources/merged.js file with combined js files.

Alternative titles

  1. JavaScript - join js files into one using tsc
  2. JavaScript - combine js files into one using tsc
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