Java thread / concurrency - request for article
5 points
- race condition
- busy wait - make wiki post - snippet
https://dirask.com/snippets/What-is-busy-waiting-DLvKEj - IO bound vs CPU bound
- java.util.concurrent.Future
- ExecutorService / ThreadPoolExecutor
- wait, notify, notifyAll
- synchronized keyword
- volatile keyword
- ThreadLocal
- how to kill Thread
- into to Thread Pools
- Runnable vs Callable
- difference between wait and sleep
- Thread.join
- monitor
- java memory model
- happens before
- fork join pool framework
Libs for concurrency:
- spring
- guava
- apache commons concurrent
- awaitility
- Java - create thread
- Java - stop thread
- Java - synchronize threads
- Java - wait until thread stops / ends
- Java - set thread name
- Java - get thread name
- Java - get current thread object / reference
- Java - change thread priority
- Java - end thread with program (with main thread)
- Java - assign variable to thread
- Java - share object between multiple threads
- Java - synchronize method vs synchronize this
- Java - my thread uses 100% CPU, how to reduce it
- Java - sleep thread
- Java - break / stop sleep function