
React - style components using CSS modules

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In this article, we would like to show you how to style components using CSS modules in React.

1. Install sass

Inside your project open new terminal (Terminal -> New Terminal) and use the following command to install sass as a dev-dependency:

npm install --save-dev sass

2. Create new .module.scss file

Create new .module.scss file for your component. Below you can see an example for Navbar component:

React - Create new .module.scss file

3. Go to the file and create some styles

In this example, we create a style for navContainer class.

React - Go to .module.scss file and create some styles

4. Import .module.scss file

The next step is to import .module.scss file in your .js file. The convention here is to import the file as styles.

React - Import .module.scss file

5. Use imported styles

Now, we can use use styles to assign style to our component. To do so, we need to use a selector for the class we created earlier (navContainer).

React - Use imported styles from .module.scss file


Alternative titles

  1. React - how to use SCSS/CSS modules
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