
apache2 - add virtual server that uses subdomain with PHP and Cloudflare DNS

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In this article we would like to show how to add subdomain as virtual server for apache2 that uses PHP engine with Cloudflare DNS / CDN.

Preseted article configures Open Web Analitics that:

  • was installed in own separated folder,
  • will be available from:


Simple steps:


It is necessary to configure apache2 server at first and later Cloudflare DNS.


1. apache2 server configuration


1.1. login as root to yours server,

1.2. create new configuration file in sites-avaialble directory with command:

1.3. put inside following configuration:


  • - subdomain used with Open Web Analitics,
  • /var/www/html/open-web-analytics - directory path with installed Open Web Analitics,
  • index.php - script that runs Open Web Analitics.

1.4. enable open-web-analytics site

Use following command:


1.5. Reload apache2 configuration witout restarting

Run following command:


2. Cloudflare DNS configuration


2.1. login to Cloudflare panel:

2.2. select your domain on main page - will be visible after login operation

domain selection panel - Cloudflare
domain selection panel - Cloudflare

2.3. go to DNS configuration

DNS configuration option - Cloudflare
DNS configuration option - Cloudflare

2.4. add new DNS record by clicking to: + Add record

2.5. select following configuration:

Where: owa and can be replaced by own configuration.

It will give us traffic from to server located on where virtual server described by ServerName will be used.

subdomain DNS configuration - Cloudflare
subdomain DNS configuration - Cloudflare

2.6. save configuration and check if new record appeared

subdomain DNS record - Cloudflare
subdomain DNS record - Cloudflare


3. Check Open Web Analitics in Web Browser


3.1. go to following address:,

3.2. as result you should see:

Open Web Analitics run with apache2 virtual server, subdomain and on Cloudflare
Open Web Analitics run with apache2 virtual server, subdomain and on Cloudflare

Alternative titles

  1. apache2 - add subdomain for apache2 PHP with Cloudflare DNS
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