Java - generate set with 10 random unique numbers
Generate set with 10 random unique numbers in Java.
int minVal = 50;
int maxVal = 100;
Set<Integer> unique = new HashSet<>();
while (unique.size() != 10) {
int randInt = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minVal, maxVal);
// [64, 65, 82, 68, 70, 88, 89, 60, 78, 95]
Code flow:
- Set random numbers minVal = 50 and maxVal = 100
- Until set size is not 10 add new random int - so we execute while logic until HashSet.size() != 10
- Generate random number between minVal = 50 and maxVal = 100
- HashSet will add new number only if it is new, if the number already exists in the HashSet then it will be ignored.
- Display results with sys out
To get the code for random min max long, float, double check post:
There are other ways to generate random integer in range min-max, look at this post: