
JavaScript - how to add options (items) to select (ComboBox) element

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In this article, we're going to have a look at how to add new options (items) to select (ComboBox) element in JavaScript. Solutions for this problems can be divided into 2 groups:

  • that use option element API (example 1 and 2),
  • that use DOM element API (example 3 and 4).

Look on below examples to see how they work:

1. add method example


Approach presented in this section uses add method available for each select element.

2. options property with add method example


In this section we use options property that keeps all items in select element.

3. appendChild method example


In this section we use appendChild method that append child elements to select element - used typical DOM method.

4. innerHTML property example


In this section we use innerHTML property that in presented case overrides select element content - used typical DOM proeprty.


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