
ASCII Table in plain/text

10 points
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In this article, we would like to present an ASCII table with related decimal and hexadecimal codes in plain/text format.

ASCII Table:

Dec Hex    Char  Description                  Dec Hex    Char    Dec Hex    Char   Dec  Hex    Char
------------------------------------------    -----------------  ---------------   ----------------
0   0x00   NUL   null                         32  0x20   SPACE   64  0x40   @      96   0x60   `
1   0x01   SOH   start of heading             33  0x21   !       65  0x41   A      97   0x61   a
2   0x02   STX   start of text                34  0x22   "       66  0x42   B      98   0x62   b
3   0x03   ETX   end of text                  35  0x23   #       67  0x43   C      99   0x63   c
4   0x04   EOT   end of transmission          36  0x24   $       68  0x44   D      100  0x64   d
5   0x05   ENQ   enquiry                      37  0x25   %       69  0x45   E      101  0x65   e
6   0x06   ACK   acknowledge                  38  0x26   &       70  0x46   F      102  0x66   f
7   0x07   BEL   bell                         39  0x27   '       71  0x47   G      103  0x67   g
8   0x08   BS    backspace                    40  0x28   (       72  0x48   H      104  0x68   h
9   0x09   TAB   horizontal tab               41  0x29   )       73  0x49   I      105  0x69   i
10  0x0A   LF    NL line feed, new line       42  0x2A   *       74  0x4A   J      106  0x6A   j
11  0x0B   VT    vertical tab                 43  0x2B   +       75  0x4B   K      107  0x6B   k
12  0x0C   FF    NP form feed, new page       44  0x2C   ,       76  0x4C   L      108  0x6C   l
13  0x0D   CR    carriage return              45  0x2D   -       77  0x4D   M      109  0x6D   m
14  0x0E   SO    shift out                    46  0x2E   .       78  0x4E   N      110  0x6E   n
15  0x0F   SI    shift in                     47  0x2F   /       79  0x4F   O      111  0x6F   o
16  0x10   DLE   data link escape             48  0x30   0       80  0x50   P      112  0x70   p
17  0x11   DC1   device control 1             49  0x31   1       81  0x51   Q      113  0x71   q
18  0x12   DC2   device control 2             50  0x32   2       82  0x52   R      114  0x72   r
19  0x13   DC3   device control 3             51  0x33   3       83  0x53   S      115  0x73   s
20  0x14   DC4   device control 4             52  0x34   4       84  0x54   T      116  0x74   t
21  0x15   NAK   negative acknowledge         53  0x35   5       85  0x55   U      117  0x75   u
22  0x16   SYN   synchronous idle             54  0x36   6       86  0x56   V      118  0x76   v
23  0x17   ETB   end of transmission block    55  0x37   7       87  0x57   W      119  0x77   w
24  0x18   CAN   cancel                       56  0x38   8       88  0x58   X      120  0x78   x
25  0x19   EM    end of medium                57  0x39   9       89  0x59   Y      121  0x79   y
26  0x1A   SUB   substitute                   58  0x3A   :       90  0x5A   Z      122  0x7A   z
27  0x1B   ESC   escape                       59  0x3B   ;       91  0x5B   [      123  0x7B   {
28  0x1C   FS    file separator               60  0x3C   <       92  0x5C   \      124  0x7C   |
29  0x1D   GS    group separator              61  0x3D   =       93  0x5D   ]      125  0x7D   }
30  0x1E   RS    record separator             62  0x3E   >       94  0x5E   ^      126  0x7E   ~
31  0x1F   US    unit separator               63  0x3F   ?       95  0x5F   _      127  0x7F   DEL

See also

  1. ASCII Table

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