
JavaScript - how to redirect to another web page?

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In JavaScript there is available window.location object that helps to navigate to a web page directly from the font-end level (web browser). location object provides a few properties and methods from which most useful for making redirection are:

  • location.replace method
  • location.assign method
  • location.href property
  • based on the link element (a tag with href attribute)

For more details look at the below examples.

1. location.replace method example

<!doctype html>



Note: this redirection removes current web page from navigation history.


JavaScript - location.replace method redirection to Dirask About web page.
JavaScript - location.replace method redirection to Dirask About web page.

2. location.assign method example

<!doctype html>



Note: this redirection keeps current web page in navigation history.


JavaScript - location.assign method redirection to Dirask About web page.
JavaScript - location.assign method redirection to Dirask About web page.

3. location.href property example

<!doctype html>

    location.href = '';


Note: this redirection keeps current web page in navigation history.


JavaScript - location.href property redirection to Dirask About web page.
JavaScript - location.href property redirection to Dirask About web page.

4. Link element example

Note: run it in separated file to see effect

  <a id="link" href=""></a>

    var element = document.querySelector('#link');;

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