
JavaScript - Math.ln() method example

9 points
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There is no Math.ln() method in JavaScript.

Quick solution:

To calculate the natural logarithm use Math.log() method that uses base e as default.


Practical example:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

//                     x                  y
console.log( Math.log( 1    ) );       // 0                  <--- ln(1)
console.log( Math.log( 7    ) );       // 1.9459101490553132 <--- ln(7)
console.log( Math.log( 10   ) );       // 2.3025850929940460 <--- ln(10)
console.log( Math.log( 100  ) );       // 4.6051701859880920 <--- ln(100)
console.log( Math.log( 1000 ) );       // 6.9077552789821370 <--- ln(1000)

console.log( Math.log( -1        ) );  //  NaN               <--- ln(-1)
console.log( Math.log(  0        ) );  // -Infinity          <--- ln(0)
console.log( Math.log( +Infinity ) );  // +Infinity          <--- ln(+Infinity)

console.log( Math.E );  // 2.718281828459045



  1. JavaScript - Math.log() - Dirask Docs 
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