Inkscape - how to scale svg image with keeping aspect ratio
1. Overview
In this post I'd like to show how to scale svg image with keeping aspect ratio.
![Inkscape scale svg image with keeping aspect ratio - Image intro](/static/bucket/1573074121408-32PAWB9Djn--inkscape_scaling_svg__version_6.png)
2. Using shortcut keys
Easiest and fastest way for me is with shortcut of keys:
- Click Ctrl + left mouse button
- Drag the corner of image
- Our svg image will be re-sized with keeping aspect ratio size.
![Inkscape - resize svg image keeping aspect ratio using shortcut keys](/static/bucket/1572636780969-ONvQg4nYj9--image.png)
3. Using button with lock icon
Second way how we can achieve it is with button with lock icon, we can see it on below screenshot.
- Click on button with lock icon
- Drag the corner of image
- Our svg image will be re-sized with keeping aspect ratio size.
![Inkscape - resize svg image keeping aspect ratio using button with lock icon](/static/bucket/1572638233562-oZ0QbjlQBP--image.png)
4. Using Object Transform
From menu bar we select:
- From menu bar select - Object (img 1)
- Transform... (Shift + Ctrl + M) (img 1)
- From Transform window select Scale tab (img 2)
- Select Scale proportionally check-box (img 2)
- Select px (or other options like %, mm, in, cm) (img 2)
- Enter for example 200 px in Width input and click Enter (img 3)
- Height will change to 200 px automatically (img 3)
- Click Apply button (img 3)
- Our svg image will be re-sized with keeping aspect ratio size.
![Inkscape - resize svg image keeping aspect ratio using Object Transform img 1](/static/bucket/1572639090786-rdaAogpAG6--image.png)
![Inkscape - resize svg image keeping aspect ratio using Object Transform img 2](/static/bucket/1572639550331-nr1AjmPD5a--image.png)
![Inkscape - resize svg image keeping aspect ratio using Object Transform img 3](/static/bucket/1572639841610-VWLD0jzQEM--image.png)