
Spring Boot 2 - simple custom authentication example using JPA and MySQL database

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In this article, we would like to show how to create a simple web application with custom authentication using Spring Boot 2, JPA, and MySQL database.


In the below example:

  1. to generate construstors, getters and setters automatically Lombok pre-procesor was used
    (check request, response and entity classes),
  2. to generate query methods automatically and query database Spring Data JPA was used
    (check UsersRepository interface).

Final effect:

Simple authentication example using Spring Boot 2, JPA, and MySQL database.
Simple authentication example using Spring Boot 2, JPA, and MySQL database.

Project structure: file: file: file:


repositories/ file:

entities/ file:


requests/ file:

requests/ file:


responses/ file:

responses/ file:


resources/static/index.html file:


resources/ file:

Hint: to run database in the computer memory go to this snippet to see how to use H2 database.


pom.xml file:

Hint: to run database in the computer memory go to this snippet to see how to use H2 database (in that case mysql-connector-java dependency can be removed from pom.xml file).


Database preparation


1. Database should be created using:

2. users table will be created or updated automatically by Spring Boot 2 Application
(configured by spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update property).


See also

  1. Spring Boot 2 - using Lombok plugin with Maven project (in pom.xml file)

  2. Spring Boot 2 - CRUD example using JPA and MySQL database

Alternative titles

  1. Spring Boot 2 - simple own authentication example using JPA and MySQL database
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