
JavaScript - onResize event for div element

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In this short article, we would like to show how to monitor size changes of div (or any element) in pure JavaScript.

By default, there are no built-in events that monitor element resize events. It means we need to have some own solution to do it. The easiest way is to check element size in some time intervals. When some size property changes values it means element size changed.

Quick solution:

Note: it is good to stop intervals when monitoring is not needed - check next example.


Reusable code example


This example contains a simple class that provides methods to start and stop resize monitoring. ResizeMonitor class in the below example is reusable.

Note: depending of speed of updates we can set different interval argument value. Setting bigger interval value we slow down event occurances - it checks changes rarely. Setting smaller interval value we speed up event occurances - it checks size changes frequently, that may causes web browser performance increasion when we have to monitor many elements.


Embedded solution example


The major web browsers (2018-2020) intorduced ResizeObserver class that lets to tack element size changes.


Alternative titles

  1. JavaScript - resize event for html element
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JavaScript - events

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